2024-4 production high carbon ferrochrome

In April 2024, the national production of high carbon ferrochrome further increased, breaking the historical peak and increasing by 75600 tons or 11.43% compared to the previous month at 73.68; An increase of 180600 tons year-on-year, with a growth rate of 32.47%. The production in Inner Mongolia was 492500 tons, an increase of 16300 tons compared to the previous month, with a growth rate of 3.42%; The production in Guizhou region reached 39500 tons, an increase of 50.92% compared to the previous period. Entering the golden three silver four, stainless steel consumption rebounded, and mainstream stainless steel mills saw a significant increase in steel bidding prices in April. The profits of ferrochrome manufacturers have recovered, and production enthusiasm has increased. In addition, the earlier release of this round of steel bidding has left enough time for the iron plants to purchase raw materials and resume production. Within the month, there have been more new production and resumption of furnaces, resulting in a significant increase in ferrochrome production.

The production of high carbon ferrochrome in May is expected to reach 7500200 tons, which will further increase compared to April. In May, the production volume and schedule of steel mills further increased, and steel mills have higher requirements for the stability of domestic chromium iron raw material supply. In May, the steel bidding continued to maintain a high level, and domestic iron mills did not reduce their production willingness under the high price of steel bidding. Sichuan has entered a period of calm and abundant water, with electricity prices falling and production profits increasing. The comprehensive resumption of production at the Sichuan Iron Works is expected to further increase the already high production of ferrochrome.



Industry Dynamics